How To Organize Your Pantry

How To Organize Your Pantry

It’s easy to close the door and ignore your pantry, but I couldn’t neglect my pantry anymore. I had to organize it because I have been convicted about food waste and time management. Plus, it was overflowing with candy and junk food from the holidays.

How to organize your pantry

1. Take Everything Out

Take every single item out. That’s right, every can, appliance, and crumb needs to come out. I put the food into categories on the floor. Here are my categories I had listed below.

  • Appliances
  • Baking
  • Canned foods
  • Chips
  • Spices
  • Snacks
  • Kids/Baby Food
  • Vegetables & Fruit
  • Dinner (Pasta, Bread, etc)
  • Breakfast (Cereal, Oatmeal, etc)

After you take everything out of your pantry, give it a good cleaning by sweeping the floor and wiping the shelves down. Maybe even put shelving paper/liner on the shelves if you would like!

2. Throw Away, Give Away, or Donate

On every single food item, make sure to check the expiration date and throw it away if it’s expired.

If there are food items that do not meet your life style, throw away, give away, or donate them. For example, if you want to eat healthy then get rid of all of your junk food.

Canned items can be donated. I like to donate my candy to school teachers so they can use them as prizes šŸ˜‰

3. Put Away by Category

It’s important to group your food items in categories so you are aware of how much you have. As I grouped the canned items together my husband was surprised how much we had.

My husband likes to get extra (especially canned goods since they last awhile), but it is so easy to forget about them. We ended up having to throw away some canned items because they were expired.

Designate a shelf per category. I have a breakfast shelf where I keep oatmeal, cereal, and fruit. I also have a dinner shelf where I keep pastas, bread, and rice.

4. Spices

There are different ways to sort your spices, but I like to organize mine alphabetically. My MIL organizes hers by the type of spice which works perfectly for her.

Personally, I use a wrack that hangs on the pantry door and that is where I store my spices. I know others who like to store them in a drawer or in the cabinet.

5. Use Baskets and Crates

Baskets and crates helps with organization and looks visually appealing. You could even label the crates so everyone knows where everything is.

Currently I only have a few baskets and crates, but would like to get more eventually. I have a crate for baking stuff (cupcake liners, sprinkles, food coloring), chips, snacks (I also put gum and mints in here), and baby food (jars and snacks like puffs).

How To Stay Organized

My biggest secret to keeping my pantry organized is to meal plan. We shop once a week for everything we need for that week. Don’t buy extra unless you have planned it out in your upcoming meal plan for the week or the next week.

By meal planning we save money and cut down on waste! We shop intentionally and everything we buy has a purpose. By planning ahead you can keep your pantry neat too!

What are some ways you like to keep your pantry organized?


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