Sunshine Blogger Award

Sunshine Blogger Award

I am beyond excited that I was nominated for the Sunshine Blogger Award! I only just started blogging in September of 2018, and I have been loving every second of it. I have met many other bloggers and it has been amazing! I was nominated by Carol at The Coconut Tribe. Thank you SO much for the nomination! If you want encouragement, motivation on fitness, and love fun then you need to check out her site and social media pages! 

Sunshine Blogger Award
Sunshine Blogger Award

What is the Sunshine Blogger Award?

The Sunshine Blogger Award is given to bloggers by other bloggers who are working to spread joy, positivity, and inspiration throughout the blogging community.

Award Rules

  1. Thank the blogger who nominated you in the blog post and provide a link back to his/her blog.
  2. Answer the 11 questions the nominating blogger asked you.
  3. Nominate 11 new blogs for this award and write them 11 new questions to answer.
  4. Notify your nominees and display the Sunshine Blogger Award in your post.

11 Questions That Carol Asked Me

1. What is your ‘why’ for blogging?

I started blogging simply to encourage and to help other moms. When I became a mom back in 2016, I was in for a surprise  with how tough being a mom was. Experienced a minor case of PPD and recovery felt like it took forever. It wasn’t until my first born turn 10 months old that I finally felt like I got the hang of things. Now I have two beautiful girls and love being a stay at home mom. I want to encourage and help other moms be the best mom they can be!

2. What has been your most successful blog post to date?

My most successful blog post so far is How To Organize Your Clothes (Tops). It’s the very first post on the series for organizing your entire home.  

3. Where is your favorite place that you have ever traveled to?

I’ve traveled to over 30 countries and hands down my favorite place that I have ever traveled to was Fiji. I think Fiji is the closest thing to paradise on earth. It is absolutely beautiful! 

4. What is your favorite dessert?

Anything chocolate I like I think lol. I also love green tea flavored desserts too. I’ll have to say dessert crepe with green tea ice cream and chocolate chips! 

5. Describe your perfect date.

Beautiful night to do some star gazing by a bonfire while cuddling up in blankets with my husband. Sounds amazing! There must be food too 😉

6. What is one fitness goal you wish to accomplish in your lifetime?

Hmm… This may sound bad, but to simply have a time slot where I actually exercise is my goal right now. Maybe yoga or a dance class?

7. What is your morning routine?

6:30 AM I wake up to nurse my baby, get baby ready for the day, do devotions, and go wake and get toddler ready for the day. Since my baby is young I don’t have a lot of me time in the morning. Maybe soon I can wake up to doing my devotions while sipping on a warm beverage 😉

8. If money and time were not an issue, what dream would you make a reality?

Going to Japan every single year and staying there for a month! Japan is where I grew up and that’s home to me. I want my daughters to love Japan and be proud of their heritage. 

9. What is your favorite outfit you own?

A simple t-shirt, cozy sweater, skinny jeans, and heels. I don’t get to wear them often, but love it when I get to!

10. Do you have any bad habits that you have broken or that need breaking?

I need to break the habit of not flossing every night…

11. What is your favorite thing to do with your family?

Going to the park with my family. I love just getting the stroller out and going walking with everyone! 🙂

My Sunshine Blogging Awards Go To…

Blog Links and Twitter Handles 

11 New Questions For My Nominees 

  1. When did you start blogging?
  2. What is your favorite movie?
  3. What is one unique or interesting about you?
  4. What is your ultimate goal in blogging?
  5. What is your favorite animal and why?
  6. If you could be fluent in another language, what would you choose?
  7. What are some hobbies you have?
  8. Describe your perfect weekend or day off
  9. What is one thing you wish you could change about yourself
  10. If you could meet anyone dead or alive, who would it be?
  11. What is something (tip or resource) that really helped you with blogging?

Carol, thank you again for nominating me. I started blogging to encourage others so this award means a lot to me! 🙂 Excited to read the new nominees answers. 


2 thoughts on “Sunshine Blogger Award”

  • I loved reading this! Loved your date idea, it sounds so sweet! And that is so cool that you lived in Japan! My brother is living there for a year right now studying abroad. He is loving it! As far as fitness goals you should join any challenges I host! I am in the middle of one right now and it is free and takes less than 15 minutes a day! It has been great for accountability! If you want to join there is a link on my website under the challenges tab. You can join any time but it ends the 21st.

    • Oh that is so neat that your brother is living there now! I hope he has a really good experience and loves Japan 🙂 Thanks for letting me know about the challenge! I’ll look into it 🙂

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