The Stay At Home Mom’s Schedule

The Stay At Home Mom’s Schedule

This is what my weekly stay at home mom schedule looks like. My schedule may look very different than yours depending on what season of life you are in.

If you have older children and home school, I’m sure the schedule would look drastically different. Keep in mind that I am currently a mom to a 2 year old and a 10 month old.

I hope to add new weekly SAHM schedules as my children grow. If you like this one please let me know in the comments πŸ˜‰ This schedule is just for me as a mom and does not include my toddler and baby’s daily schedule.

Want to see my toddler and baby’s schedule? They are right below.

Toddler Schedule
Baby Schedule – 3 Months

A Stay At Home Mom's Schedule #Homemakerschedule #stayathomemom #stayathomemomschedule #sampleschedule

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Schedules help me to be productive and helps me accomplish more. Knowing what week day it is, I can plan accordingly and give my all for that day.

Homemaking and raising my girls is my full-time ministry and job. I usually strive to stay at home everyday (weekdays) except for 1 or 2 days. Not because I don’t want to go out, but because taking care of the home is really important to me.

A few things to remember… My husband is my #1 human priority so I try to keep the house clean and have dinner ready before he gets home.

The girls are my #2 human priority so I take the time to play, feed, change, and make sure their needs are being met from the time they wake up to bed time.

To read more about my priorities you can go to How To Become A Godly Woman.


These are a must for me every single day. Spending time with God is a MUST. If you haven’t read How To Become A Godly Woman, I talk more about God as my #1 priority.

  • Devotions & Prayer
  • Writing out my To-Do list
  • Unplug before bedtime (no technology)


Sundays are for church and resting. We go to Sunday school and of course the main church service.

  • Church
  • Fellowship Meal (every 4th Sunday)
  • Self-care Sunday

My children’s schedules usually are off on Sunday because they don’t get their naps in (or if we they do get a nap it is shorter than usual). For the rest of the afternoon we try to adjust their schedules to fit, but still keep their bed time at the same time.

As a mom make sure there is a designated day that you can do some self-care. I usually do mine on Sunday (sometimes Saturday) to get myself ready for the week.

Rest. Schedule thirty minutes alone once a week for the next four weeks as time to fill your well. You give away what you put in. Take care of yourself. You are worthy.

Emily Ley – A Simplified Life

Some Self-Care Ideas

  • Pain Nails
  • Color or Craft
  • Take a bath
  • Read a book
  • Nap!

By taking care of yourself you are better able to take care of everyone else. Don’t feel guilty about taking some time to yourself. It’s essential!


Mondays are one of my favorite days because I get my family back on schedule and on a routine after a not so routine weekend. Mondays help set the tone for the rest of the week.

Most cleaning and the grocery shopping happens on Mondays. I don’t know why but the house seems to get really messy over the weekends. That is why Monday is my start fresh day where I tidy the house back in order.

To do list for Monday

  • Cleaning
  • Grocery Shopping
  • Dinner
  • Workout


Dishes and laundry are a must for me on Monday. Those are the two chores I have to do on Monday to get the house back in order. After I tackle those two, I move on to my “need to clean” list.

Grocery Shopping

Grocery shopping is actually something my husband helps out with. He doesn’t mind doing it, so swings by after work and picks up everything we need.

Because I meal plan I know exactly what we need for the week and I text the grocery list to him. If he goes to Walmart or another store that has grocery pickup, I will place the order in advance so he can just pick it up right after he gets off work.


Dinner on Monday nights are Japanese; simple but healthy. We usually have rice, fish, and veggies. I switch up the fish and flavors, but that is what I make for dinner on Mondays.

Working Out

Even if it’s just 20 minutes, I will try to workout after my girls get tucked in for bed. I usually just pop in a workout DVD, then shower.


Usually we stay at home on Tuesdays too, so I focus more on baking and making from scratch meals. We go outside and play if it’s nice out or we do an activity inside.

  • Cleaning
  • Meal prep and baking
  • Intentional playing and bonding with the girls
  • Workout


Since I already clean on Monday, I clean areas that I notice needs some freshening up. Usually this includes the bathrooms, dusting, vacuuming, and so on.


Wednesdays are our outing days. This is the day I usually schedule all appointments, play dates, or errands outside of the house. In the evenings we go out for dinner at our church and participate in AWANA after.

My toddler loves her AWANA program, called Puggles, and looks forward to it every single week. Since she gets so excited over it I try to make Wednesdays an extra fun day.

To add fun for the girls, I usually take them to the library or have play dates scheduled. Shopping (especially Target) is another fun activity we like to do πŸ˜‰ Doing something new or just walking in nature definitely boosts our moods too.

  • Go out to the library, errands, or play dates
  • Dinner at church


Thursday is another day we stay home. AWANA on Wednesdays doesn’t end until 8 (which is past the girls bed time), so I usually make sure the girls get their rest with good naps during the day.

At least once a month we have someone over (practicing hosting and hospitality) that we don’t know too well (from church, neighbors, co-workers) for dinner at our home. We like to do this on Thursday nights because it still gives people their Friday and weekends free.

On Thursday’s if we aren’t hosting someone new to our home, we like to sometimes invite friends over or go out. With our friends we like to do dinner, just dessert, game night, or to just watch a movie together.

Another fun thing I like to do is meet up with a friend or group of friends on Thursday night.

  • Cleaning
  • Dinner
  • Hosting dinner
  • Work out


Friday is another day I like to go out to either do errands, shopping, or play dates. I don’t have to worry about making dinner because we usually do pizza or something super easy.

  • Go out for errands or play dates
  • Meal Planning Day
  • Movie night

Meal Planning

Since my husband gets the groceries on Monday, I meal plan for the next week. By meal planning, I can write the grocery list out and add anything I might be forgetting over the weekend.

Movie Night

We spread a blanket out on the living room floor and pop a movie in or watch a movie from Netflix. Currently we are watching through Disney Princess movies πŸ˜‰


God worked for 6 days out of 7, not 5 days. I know in America most of us have the mind set of work 5 and rest 2, but that isn’t what God did. Idleness is a big issue in our society.

This concept got my attention and I decided that I need to be faithfully at work (homemaking) on Saturdays too. Since my husband is home on Saturdays, the day doesn’t look like regular weekdays but I get things accomplished.

Instead of sleeping in I try to get up at my regular time and get the girls ready. Since my husband is free, I like to plan fun things for all of us. It can be taking the girls to a park, big breakfast with the family, attending MOPS or church events, or visiting extended family members.

The Stay At Home Mom Schedule #SAHM #Weeklyscheduleformoms #momschedule #SAHMschedule

Because I keep my schedule simple every week, I am able to add date nights with my husband, meeting a friend for coffee, or a girls night out.

Emily Ley, author of A Simplified Life, has a lot of wisdom on simple living. If you haven’t read her book I highly recommend it πŸ™‚ Here is a quote from her book that stood out to me.

In the white space on our calendars, we have margin to savor an impromptu coffee date with a friend.

Emily Ley

What does your week look like? If you liked this post and would like to see more like this please comment below!


10 thoughts on “The Stay At Home Mom’s Schedule”

  • I love this! I am also a SaHM with a toddler and infant, and occasionally our bonus daughter. Our schedule is in constant flux due to my husband’s work schedule, and our schedule with our bonus daughter. I do miss the idea of meal prep/planning though to make shopping trips that much easier.

    • Thank you Danielle πŸ™‚ I love seeing other mom’s schedules to see how I can improve my own. I hope this was helpful for you πŸ˜‰

  • Thank you for sharing this, I stay home Monday-Friday with my kids and work weekends, we’re always struggling to keep a schedule that works. You have some great ideas. I especially like the family movie night on Friday, how fun!

    • Thank you so much Kailee πŸ™‚ Wow! You are one busy mom! I got the movie idea from the Simplified Life by Emily Ley. She has some great tips too! I hope this schedule was an encouragement to you πŸ™‚

  • As an at-home mom, I’m sure you understand how many times in a week I’m asked, “What do you do all day?” I love that you actually have an answer! I feel like I run around like a chicken with my head cut off all day, and have little to show for it by bed time. Thanks for sharing!

  • As I was reading this post, I realized that I definitely have a structure similar to yours! I also like to stay home more than going out and about during the days because I’m responsible for all the homemaking (cleaning, laundry, organizing, cooking, etc.) while my husband is working 12 hour days. However, I like to plan outings, play dates and errand runs (Target, Costco and the Pet Store are favorites!) during the second half of the week. The beginning of the week I like to get things organized for the week, do some cleaning and just enjoy a slow few days because our weekends are so busy with family outings! The weekends are filled with family breakfast, church and family outings to the zoo or local science museum. We also enjoy family errand runs on Saturday! This helps me out because I don’t have to do too many errands during the week by myself.

    • Thanks for commenting Gwendolyn πŸ™‚ I love that your schedule is similar! It always is encouraging to see other SAHM’s do something similar πŸ˜‰ I love seeing sample schedules to try to improve my own.

  • Wednesdays are always our outing day as well. I feel like it helps break up the week a little! We were also doing AWANA, but I was so thankful it was on Friday nights because it was never over until 8 and that’s super late for us. Sunday’s are always our family day as well. Sometimes that means just staying home, but we are intentional about being together! We also eat an early meal about 2 that includes grandma and grandpa on Sunday afternoons. I too am a planner!

    • Thank you for leaving a comment Meghan! πŸ™‚ Going out on Wednesday does feel like it breaks up the week a little bit! I wish we had family closer so we could do meals together. What a blessing!

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