2 Year Old Sample Schedule

2 Year Old Sample Schedule

This post was updated 7/24/2020

When I was a first time mom, I loved looking at sample schedules to get an idea of what other moms were doing. Some schedules have helped me immensely, so I thought sharing mine will be helpful to other mamas. Here is my 2 year old sample schedule!

2 Year Old Sample Schedule

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2 Year Old Sample Schedule

Here is my 2 year old’s schedule (from when my 1st born) during the week when we are home. If we are out doing errands or have play dates, we change up the schedule to accommodate for the event.

2 year old sample schedule. Do you need a routine or ideas for your 2 year old? Here is a sample schedule I follow with my 2 year old.
#2yearold #toddlerschedule #toddlerroutine

2 Year Old Sample Schedule with my 2nd born

Now that my 2nd born is 2 years old, I decided to add her daily schedule too! You can compare it with my first schedule I had with my 1st born. It’s not too different, but maybe this will suit your schedule better.

2 year old sample schedule. Sample schedule for your 2 year old. Here is the sample schedule for my 2nd born who is now 2 years old. 
#2yearoldschedule #toddlerschedule #toddlerlife

Screen Time

I try to avoid screen time for my toddler if possible, but sometimes if things are a little crazy (like when I’m tied up with nursing my other baby) it’s just easy to turn on a show or movie from Netflix.

Screen time is limited to 1 hour or less. I feel like if my 2 year old has too much screen time, she doesn’t play as well and seems to get a little fussy.

However, I have noticed the show Daniel Tiger being a great learning tool for my little one! We learn the jingle from the show and apply it to her own life. Daniel Tiger has many great applicable shows about sharing, how to deal with frustration, anger, and so much more!

Another favorite is Sofia The First. I honestly love watching this show with her (haha). The princess is always kind and teaches how we should treat others. It can even be a good reminder for adults πŸ˜‰

Outside Play

Nothing can replace outdoor play, so I try to get my girls outside to play as much as possible. We usually get chalk, bubbles, and the water/sand table out for play. Sometimes we just pick flowers, grab hand-fulls of grass, or watch bugs crawl around.

Walking and running around is also great. We also like to eat outside sometimes when the weather is really nice.

Water and Sand Table

Craft Time

If it’s rainy out or it’s too cold, then we usually do something creative. Some of Arwen’s favorites are Play-Doh, coloring, stamps on paper, stickers, or an activity book.

Water Wow books and reusable sticker pads are some of her favorite things to do.

Water Wow


Books are something that gets read all through the day. Some of my little ones favorite type of books are the type of books that have flaps on the the pages. Anything with princesses and books with songs on them are her favorites too!

Dear Zoo Flap Book


Before my toddler goes down for nap we sing a couple of songs. Her favorites right now are Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Jesus Loves Me, 5 Little Monkeys, and the Alphabet song.

Along the lines with songs, we love dancing! My toddler loves to dance around the kitchen and sing along. It is so much fun and we like to make each other laugh by doing goofy moves πŸ™‚

Disney Princess CD


2 year olds are perfectly capable of doing some chores! If you are interested in reading more about this click here!

I have my little girls help me with chores as much as possible. She loves helping and it builds her confidence up. Besides it’s more time we can spend together and we can achieve things together.

Dish Cloths

I’d love to hear from you! What does your toddler schedule look like?


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10 thoughts on “2 Year Old Sample Schedule”

  • This is such a great post! I love the schedule as well as the tips and information you shared about it! Also, I really enjoy Daniel Tiger too! My husband and I sing the songs to each other, lol!

  • Omg! So much sleep! That’s so awesome. We love Daniel Tiger. The songs are great and we listen to them in the car.

  • For new parents, this is an awesome post. Not everyone is lucky enough to have people to ask, “What does your day with your 2-year-old look like?” I think this is valuable to them. Even if this schedule isn’t perfect for them, it gives them an idea of what their day might look like.

  • Our schedule is very similar to yours! The wintertime is hard because it’s too cold to be outside, but when the weather turns nice, we usually spend lots of time outside. We like to visit different parks and playgrounds near our house. Between breakfast and lunch/naptime, I try to do a structured learning activity with my daughter. This usually lasts less than 15 minutes depending on her mood and interest. We work on sorting toys by color, counting objects or identifying a letter. Her new favorite is doing these shape puzzles from Melissa & Doug. She will do them over and over and it gives me an opportunity to practice shapes with her. I don’t do this every day, but am making it my goal to do it more consistently this year. We love watching Daniel Tiger in our house, too! It’s such a great show for toddlers.

    • You mentioned some great ideas for structure learning activities! I’ll have to try some of these with my toddler. I agree with you about winter time being hard. I love warm weather and taking my girls to the park! Can’t wait for spring time πŸ™‚

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